Broker Dealer Selection
Significant return
on investment
We bring speed, efficiency and industry experience to the Broker Dealer Selection process.
Selecting a Third-Party Marketing partnership (Broker Dealer) isn’t as easy as it may sound. Will your process stand up to regulatory scrutiny? Will your final selection maximize opportunities and minimize costs and be the best fit for your organization? Why not take a partner? Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc. brings speed, efficiency and industry experience to the Broker Dealer Selection process. Why reinvent the wheel? Most managers have many items on their management “to-do” list – let us do the “heavy lifting” on this one.
Our experience has shown that involving us in the process causes competing providers (including your present provider) to sharpen their pencils in their pricing proposals—frequently creating significant ROIs as a result of the project.
We provide both onsite work and offsite support in the process. Here’s a general outline of the process:
Onsite Visit
We discuss and evaluate with you any potential product-offering gap in the organization. Make sure the structure supports an integrated effort to meet the needs of clients. We evaluate the existing sales and service model in the organization. We then assess broker dealer research done to date and develop target candidates for choice. “There isn’t a ‘best’ broker dealer. The goal is to pick a broker dealer that fits the organization’s culture and strategy!”
Offsite Support
We write your RFP (request for proposal) based on your corporate culture and strategy. Once finalized, the RFP is matched to the selection matrix for decision-making. We also plan the evaluation process.
Proposal Evaluation
If you wish, we can participate in the evaluation of the proposals with your team. We do this in a one day onsite visit after the proposal due date. The advantages of our participation in this phase are:
- We provide a great deal of insight into the answers and how they compare based on our experience with many programs and many proposals.
- Our presence makes the evaluation process an event that gets the project done (or close to being done) in one day. Without that event, the natural tendency is to do parts of the evaluation “when you have time.” This extends the process!
We ensure that you make the best choice possible, based upon the needs of your organization and that your documentation of the objective due diligence process stands up to regulatory scrutiny.
- Could you do it yourself? Sure.
- Not sure you want to face a conversion? Probably.
Take advantage of our experience and success in helping organizations make the best Broker Dealer decision.