Reference Checking
You simply can’t
afford a bad hire.
We can often obtain useful information on candidates from other sources than the official list of references provided by the candidate.
While you may not need help recruiting staff, we can help you with the process of evaluation and selecting the right candidate for the right position in your organization.
Reference Checking
Reference checking is an art constrained by rules. While we never would violate the laws relating to this aspect of evaluation, we frequently know people who know people and can often obtain useful information on candidates from other sources than the official list of references provided by the candidate.
Sometimes it is valuable to have a 3rd party perspective on the candidate(s). We can help at any stage of the interview process with informal to formal interviews with the finalist or finalists from your search.
Comprehensive Personality Profile
We provide access to a Wonderlic profile tool that assesses personality style primarily but not exclusively from a sales position perspective. We not only provide the report but will consult with the hiring manager on the implications of the results.
Job Descriptions
Whether it be a new position or a potential new hire for an old position, sometimes your Job Descriptions need to be updated. We can help! We can actually assist in a department-wide Job Description Enhancement Project should that be needed or desired.
Evaluation Process Development
Similar to the Job Description Support Service, we can help “tweak” an evaluation form or process for a single position, or help conduct a department or company-wide Performance Evaluation Enhancement Project.
Position Pricing
Sometimes the data from surveys such as our Compcompare™ service do not provide the information you need to price a particular position within your department or bank. This is especially important if the position is new or has not turned over in a long time. We can price a position for both incumbents and for new hires by data mining the Compcompare database and consulting with our Search Division staff.