Trustcompare Subscription Form

Trustcompare Subscription Form

  • By your submission of this subscription form, you give Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc. permission to use your subscriber data and/or ratios in compiling peer group composites and range information data to be used in the Trustcompare performance reports. Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc. agrees not to disclose the contents of the subscriber data, data accumulation materials, or identity of ratios computed therefrom, except to the subscribing organization. Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc. will respect the confidential nature of your information and will keep it in confidence, protecting it to the same extent that we protect our own proprietary information. Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc. will, however, use subscriber data and/or ratios in peer group composites and range information. Composite information and unidentified ratios may and will be used by Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc. Name of subscribing organizations may be shared with those in their peer group.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.