Trust Operations System Pricing Assessment

You may have decided to stay with (renew with) your incumbent provider but you wonder how the proposed pricing for that renewal period compares to the industry.

Going through a formal RFP process is not considered to be worth the cost and effort.  We can help with providing you an assessment of the proposed Trust Accounting System pricing using our knowledge of industry practices.

We would work together utilizing our pricing comparison matrix to compare your current pricing versus the proposed pricing.  We will utilize our knowledge of the industry in the process to help look for areas to increase the value of the relationship you have with your incumbent provider.

We cannot share specific data from Trust Accounting Systems Request for Proposal projects as we are bound by NDAs.  We can however assess the proposed pricing against the industry averages for organizations your size and provide you guidance on the reasonableness of the proposed pricing and where you might have opportunities to increase the value of the relationship.

We will document the results of the analysis in a memo that can be part of the vendor due diligence packet that you will need for the regulators and the bank vendor management.